Traits, uses and flavors Our Seaweeds
The Sea Lettuce
The Sea lettuce has a beautiful apple green colour, sometimes darker, and is a very
good source of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in calcium, vitamins A and C, iron
and magnesium. It contains sulphated polysaccharides with antiviral, antioxidant
properties and lowers excess cholesterol. It also provides the body with a high
percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 series.
The sea lettuce is undeniably an energizing seaweed: it is 8 times more potent
than an orange. Its taste is quite earthy and close to vegetables such as spinach and
sorrel and it has a slight note of citrus. The iodine taste is quite discreet.
In its dry state, this alga is used raw in salad or sprinkled on food. It is tasty cooked in
omelettes or soups and can be used to wrap foods such as rice, or vegetables.