Traits, uses and flavors Our Seaweeds

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This brown seaweed is a thin light brown blade, almost yellow, measuring between 1.5
to 3m. She looks like a big and beautiful fern.
It holds the record of vitamin B12 content, and supplies with good amounts of vitamin
A, B1, B2 and C. Rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, it provides all
the essential amino acids. Wakame thus has this extraordinary ability of
regenerating the quality of the blood and possessed detoxifying properties by
stimulating the immune system and cellular communication. It is recommended
in hypertensive diets, since it stimulates the production of hormones and as if that
were not enough, it could also prevent aging with beneficial actions for skin, hair and
nails ("the secret of Asian centenarians").
Wakame has this sweet little sea taste, almost oyster-like. It is eaten raw in salads,
boiled and cooked like a vegetable or with soups. Simply sprinkled on dishes,
Wakame is an excellent taste enhancer, which makes it a very interesting culinary